How To Get Rid Of Rats?

Are you willing to get rid of rats in the attic? Rats are unwanted visitors and are considered invaders. These little creatures are prone to bacterial and viral infections that could harm humans. Therefore, getting rid of rats when they invade your living space is essential.
These little rodents live in close association with humans and find everything to thrive in the human habitat. Because of their small body size, they can fit in small holes and keep themselves in the attic and walls safer for extended periods. Most people find keeping them away from their habitat challenging, but this blog will help you.
Identifying The Signs OF Rat Infestation
These little rodents are known as scavengers. Their necessities are water, shelter, and rat food, which they can easily find in human habitats. The signs you should look for rat infestation are listed below.
The footprints of these rodents are a clear sign of their infestation. They leave footprints that you can check to observe the tracks.
Smell & Noise
These scavengers produce strong smells and continuous sounds because of their chewing habit, identifying their infestation.
The presence of their dropping and urine at every entry point, hole, or crack is also a sign of rat infestation.
Because these rodents have poor eyesight, they use already established tracks along the walls. You can use these grease marks to identify their infestation.
8 Easy Steps To Get Rid Of Rats In The Walls
Below are the steps to get rid of rats in your home. The common signs of their entry are scratching noises, footprints, droppings, holes, and a smell. Let’s understand how to remove them from your living space.
Seal The Entry Points

These little creatures have smaller bodies that can fit in small gaps, holes, and cracks. It is, therefore, essential to analyze and close any entry points. Neglecting even one small crack will let them enter your attic or wall.
Remove the Source Of Food & Water
It is essential to deal with them diligently because these little ones are resourceful and can find anything to survive. Keeping pest control containers for garbage and good composting practices, feeding outdoor pets during the day, removing fallen fruits & veggies, and cleaning out waste will help to reduce their population.
Remove Hiding & Living Places
Keep the outer edge of your building clear from junk, lumber, and plantings. Regularly trimming trees and branches prevents rodents from accessing your home’s roof and balconies. It is also essential to prevent the storage of old cars and furniture that act as rodents’ hiding places.
Keep Bins Closed
Keep the lids of your bins closed to prevent these little creatures from accessing them. Garbage should be disposed of promptly; otherwise, it will produce an unwanted smell that attracts these rodents.
Use Repellents
The best way to remove them from your home is to use repellents. Mostly, people use essential oils to get rid of these rodents. Peppermint oil has a strong smell that these little creatures don’t like. It is better to remove food sources and use the repellent simultaneously to remove them from your space.
Use Rodenticides & Poisons
Rodenticides made of metal phosphides are available to help kill these rodents. The toxic poisons should be placed near their living area. Eating the bait, which consists of food and phosphide, will also help to kill these little rodents.
Use Traps
Nowadays, different types of traps are available to capture these little creatures. You can place pieces of food inside the trap to attract and capture the rats.
Seek Professional Help
The best way to remove them is to seek professional help. These professionals know effective methods for keeping rats away from your home. Therefore, it is advised to seek help from pest control management experts to avoid damage or harm.
Final Thoughts!
Rats are little creatures that could be dangerous for your buildings and property. The small size of these rodents allows them to fit in cracks and holes. They continuously thrived and increased their population because they had access to water, food, and shelter in the human habitat. Witnessing the signs of rat infestation means you need immediate action to control their population. Some easy ways to get rid of rats are sealing entry points, removing food & water sources, using traps, rodenticides, poisons & repellents, and seeking professional help.

Matthew Daviss
Explore the insightful world of rodents with our exciting articles written with expertise and passion by our rodent care specialist, Dr. Matthew Daviss.