
A Well-balanced & Nutritious Rat Food

Nutritious Rat Food

Rats are docile and the peaceful members are rodent families that don’t need high maintenance. They make a bond with their owner within days. Beside this, these little pets are prone to diseases & obesity and get sick easily when you feed them an unhealthy diet. Therefore, ensuring their health and longevity is considered as an essential factor which could be done by feeding them with commercial nutritious rat food.

Because of their omnivorous nature, they depend upon the mix of fruits, vegetables, seeds, grains, and lean meat in the wild. Providing them a nutritious rich diet will help them to live a little longer and healthier. Let’s resolve your concerns and explore a suitable diet for your pet rats.

A Well-Balanced Diet For Your Little Companion

Ensure your little companion lives a little longer and healthier by providing a balanced rat diet. Homemade, commercial, and nutrient-rich rat food will ensure their health&care.  Homemade rat foods include dry food, rat yogurt, and salad. Providing them with high-quality pellets rather than food specifically made for rabbits, hamsters, or other rodents is advised. The recommended Nutrient-rich rat diets are listed below.

  • Protect them from obesity and fulfill their nutritious requirements by offering vegetables, fruits, grains, and lean meat but in limited quantities
  • It is advised to keep them away from onions, grapes, raisins, sugary and high fat foods that could be harmful for them. 
  • Coffee, dairy products, chocolates, and avocado are included in the high fat and sugary products. So, it is better to prevent such foods. 
  • The Protein sources for rats include mealworms, boiled eggs, and cooked chicken & meat that you can give them for 2-3 times per week.
  • The dietary requirements also involve vitamins for rats that include vitamin D, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, and calcium.
  • Give them fats in limited quantities such as unsalted pumpkin & sunflower seeds, pecans, and nuts about 0.5 tsp and just 2 times a week.

List Of Nutritious Rat Food

As mentioned earlier, these little rodents depend on a mix of fruits, vegetables, and lean meat. MAke sure the availability of 16% protein and 4-5% of fats in their diet.. Let’s uncover the list of balanced rat diets that you should give to your little companion on a regular basis for better well-being and longevity. 

Safer Veggies for your pet rats include the following:

Cabbage Broccoli Carrot Sweet Pepper Cauliflower Cucumber Peas Garden Cress Courgette

Some safer fruits that you can give them regularly but in limited quantity include

Melon Dried Banana Apple Pear Peach

You can give them coriander, basil, parsley, and sage herbs.

Healthier Rat-Friendly Treats

Like all other rodents, these furry companions love treats. Giving them treats occasionally will make them happy and more active. Some food items that these little creatures really love are eatables that could cause health issues and obesity if fed on a regular basis. Therefore, giving them treats occasionally, such as nutritious rat food, is advised. 

  • Cooked Rice
  • Cereals
  • Cooked Pasta
  • Bread
  • Sweets
  • Grains

You can give these treats, but remember to give these food items occasionally and in limited quantities.

Things To Avoid Feeding Your Pet Rats

Healthy rat food

Please note that some food items could be harmful and even poisonous for your little companion. Below are the eatables that you should avoid giving them.

  • Avoid giving them chocolate; it is high in sugar and can cause dental issues and obesity to your little companion. 
  • Cardiac malfunction, cardiac arrest, and fast heartbeat could result because of caffeine intake.
  • Avoid giving them mangoes and lemon peels, which could be the reason for cancer in them.
  • Kidney stones could result from excess raw beans and sweet potatoes. 
  • Avoid giving wild insects and sticky foods like peanut butter & mashed potatoes to them.

Tips To Make Feeding Fun For Rats

In addition to giving them nutritious rat food, it is essential to keep your pets happy and active by making feeding a fun activity. These little creatures are active and social animals. In their wild habitat, they spend most of their time searching for food that keeps them busy and happy. You can try these tricks to make their feeding experience more fun and happier. 

  • Instead of feeding them directly from the bowl, disperse the food pellets and nuggets around the cage and exercise area, enabling them to sniff their food.
  • Engage them to get their food by hiding the treats in boxes and paper bags.
  • Please provide them with interesting, tricky, and puzzling toys and feeding balls.

Final Thoughts!

Rats are social, nocturnal, and curious little creatures. They spend most of their time searching for food in their wild habitat. In their natural habitat, they are prey and predators that can feed on fruits, vegetables, and meat. They fulfill their nutritional requirements by any means. Therefore, it is advised that they be provided with the same dietary items to meet their nutritional requirements. 

Proteins, vitamins, and fibers are essential to their diet. Cabbage, carrot, broccoli, sweet pepper, peas, cucumber, apples, dried bananas, melon, pears, peach, coriander, basil, and parsley are some safer nutritious rat foods. Provide them clean drinking water to prevent dehydration.

Matthew Daviss

Explore the insightful world of rodents with our exciting articles written with expertise and passion by our rodent care specialist, Dr. Matthew Daviss.


Why is my rat gaining weight?

The reason for their constantly increasing weight could be sugary and fatty food items. Avoid giving them nuts, seeds, and sticky foods to avoid obesity.

What is the best rat diet?

As these little pets are omnivores, their best diet consists of fruits, vegetables, and meat.

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